EasyUI Forum

General Category => EasyUI for jQuery => Topic started by: mrblint on May 24, 2019, 03:46:38 AM

Title: propertygrid : keyboard navigation
Post by: mrblint on May 24, 2019, 03:46:38 AM
I am porting a "line of business" Windows desktop application to the web. The users would like me to keep the web version as close as possible to the desktop version. It uses a property-grid for all of its data-entry forms.  The propertygrid will contain many sections and each section will have many fields (rows).

They are used to using the TAB key to move focus forwards and SHIFT-TAB to move focus backwards through the propertygrid rows.

Is there a setting in the EasyUI propertygrid to enable such keyboard navigation?  Or is this functionality to be provided by the developer? If so, is there an event-hook to capture the keystroke and a setFocus() function?


Title: Re: propertygrid : keyboard navigation
Post by: jarry on May 25, 2019, 07:36:00 AM
Here is sample code to achieve this feature.
var pg = $('#pg');
onBeginEdit: function(index){
var ed = $(this).propertygrid('getEditors',index)[0];
var t = $(ed.target);
if (t.hasClass('textbox-f')){
t = t.textbox('textbox');
t.bind('keydown', {index:index}, function(e){
if (e.keyCode == 9){
var rowCount = pg.propertygrid('getRows').length;
var index = e.data.index;
pg.propertygrid('endEdit', index);
index = e.shiftKey ? index-1 : index+1;
if (index < 0){
index = rowCount - 1;
if (index >= rowCount){
index = 0;
pg.propertygrid('selectRow', index)
pg.propertygrid('beginEdit', index)