Title: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 25, 2013, 12:44:44 AM datagrid colume define:
Code: { datagrid onClickRow handle:title:'<strong>姓名</strong>', field:'EmpID', rowspan:2, width:68, align:'center', formatter:function(value,row){ return row.EmpName; }, editor:{ type:'combobox', options:{ valueField:'EmpID', textField:'EmpName', url:'emp.json', multiple:false, editable:false, required:false } } } Code: onClickRow:function(rowIndex){ emp.json:if (lastIndex != rowIndex && $(this).datagrid('validateRow', lastIndex)){ var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor', {index:lastIndex, field:'EmpID'}); if (ed){ $(this).datagrid('getRows')[lastIndex]['EmpName'] = $(ed.target).combobox('getText'); } $(this).datagrid('endEdit', lastIndex); $(this).datagrid('beginEdit', rowIndex); lastIndex = rowIndex; } else { $(this).datagrid('selectRow', lastIndex); } } Code: [ {"EmpID":289,"EmpName":"\u66f9\u6587\u771f"}, {"EmpID":290,"EmpName":"\u675c\u6c38\u5f3a"}, {"EmpID":291,"EmpName":"\u51af\u7acb\u660e"}, {"EmpID":292,"EmpName":"\u4ed8\u6653\u94a2"}, {"EmpID":293,"EmpName":"\u90ed\u8fde\u745e"}, {"EmpID":295,"EmpName":"\u674e\u5b9d\u5149"}, {"EmpID":296,"EmpName":"\u674e\u798f\u589e"}, {"EmpID":294,"EmpName":"\u674e\u5efa"}, {"EmpID":297,"EmpName":"\u674e\u6770\u5112"}, {"EmpID":298,"EmpName":"\u674e\u4fca\u51ef"}, {"EmpID":299,"EmpName":"\u674e\u5e0c\u81e3"}, {"EmpID":301,"EmpName":"\u5218\u7115\u5947"}, {"EmpID":300,"EmpName":"\u5218\u8f89"}, {"EmpID":302,"EmpName":"\u8def\u5bb6\u8fdb"}, {"EmpID":303,"EmpName":"\u9a6c\u5b50\u6d9b"}, {"EmpID":304,"EmpName":"\u6bdb\u6811\u5cad"}, {"EmpID":305,"EmpName":"\u7c73\u6842\u6885"}, {"EmpID":306,"EmpName":"\u725b\u6811\u6a80"}, {"EmpID":307,"EmpName":"\u6f58\u745e\u5b58"}, {"EmpID":308,"EmpName":"\u4efb\u56fd\u653f"}, {"EmpID":309,"EmpName":"\u82ae\u5efa\u8f89"}, {"EmpID":310,"EmpName":"\u738b\u5efa\u5fe0"}, {"EmpID":311,"EmpName":"\u738b\u514b\u65b0"}, {"EmpID":312,"EmpName":"\u738b\u7acb\u5cf0"} ] Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 26, 2013, 10:31:38 PM Why it's not work? The combobox is empty.
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 29, 2013, 01:19:08 AM I want to reload json data into combobox editor of datagrid column when i click a button each times. thanks very much!
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: stworthy on March 29, 2013, 09:53:12 AM Please refer to this example http://jsfiddle.net/xAnDj/.
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 29, 2013, 10:17:38 PM thanks first! but i need reload different data each times, such as fetch from a background script with different argument.
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: stworthy on March 30, 2013, 12:01:21 AM After get the combobox editor object, call 'reload' method to reload its new data.
Code: $(this).datagrid('beginEdit', rowIndex); var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor',{index:rowIndex,field:'EmpID'}); $(ed.target).combobox('reload', yoururl); Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 30, 2013, 07:01:07 AM I cannot do it correctly, help me please! these are my code snippets as following:
Code: var empData = new Array(); Code: onLoadSuccess:function(data){ if (data.rows.length > 0){ $(this).datagrid('selectRow',0); var ed = $(this).datagrid('beginEdit', 0); if (ed){ $(ed.target).combobox('loadData', empData); } $(this).datagrid('endEdit', 0); } } Code: $btnSearch.click(function(){ $.ajaxSettings.async = false; $.getJSON('getjson.php', {"dept": $sltDept.children('option:selected').val()}, function(data){empData = data.rows;}); $.ajaxSettings.async = true; $gridAllowance.datagrid('load',{ "dept":$sltDept.children('option:selected').val(), "date":$dbxDate.val() }); }); Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: stworthy on March 30, 2013, 08:29:55 AM Please try the following code.
Code: onLoadSuccess:function(data){ if (data.rows.length > 0){ $(this).datagrid('selectRow',0); $(this).datagrid('beginEdit', 0); var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor', {index:0,field:'EmpID'}); if (ed){ $(ed.target).combobox('loadData', empData); } $(this).datagrid('endEdit', 0); } } Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 30, 2013, 07:50:52 PM I try to test that code, but nothing loaded yet!
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: stworthy on March 30, 2013, 09:11:07 PM Try to call console.log(empData) before loadData for combobox to see if the empData is empty.
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 30, 2013, 09:42:58 PM That's ok!
Code: $(this).datagrid('selectRow',0); (http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/a7480316jw1e38v2vwcchj.jpg)$(this).datagrid('beginEdit',0); var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor', {index:0, field:'EmpID'}); if (ed){ console.log(empData); $(ed.target).combobox('loadData', empData); } $(this).datagrid('endEdit',0); Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 30, 2013, 09:51:20 PM some errors:
(http://ww4.sinaimg.cn/large/a7480316jw1e38v4luc61j.jpg) Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: stworthy on March 31, 2013, 02:58:37 AM Don't really known why to 'beginEdit' and then 'endEdit' at once in 'onLoadSuccess' event. Please refer to this example http://jsfiddle.net/gEJmG/. When click a row to begin editing, the combobox editor is created and its data is loaded with new 'empData'.
Title: Re: How to load json data in editor of datagrid column dynamical? Post by: ejzhang on March 31, 2013, 05:44:23 AM It's okay! thanks very much stworthy!