Title: Unique context menu for each record in datagrid Post by: mzeddd on November 17, 2011, 10:56:48 AM Hi,
Depending of field value I'd like to have different context menus for records in DataGrid How can I recreate already created menu or update existing one? Now I have this: Code: onRowContextMenu: function(e, rowIndex, rowData){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).datagrid('unselectAll'); $(this).datagrid('selectRow', rowIndex); if (!$('#tmenu').length){ var tmenu = $('<div id="tmenu" style="width:120px;"></div>').appendTo('body'); $('<div />').html('Edit').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Import').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Lock').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Unlock').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Activate').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Deactivate').appendTo(tmenu); $('<div />').html('Clear').appendTo(tmenu); tmenu.menu({ onClick: function(item){ // do smth } }); } if(rowData.state=='Open'){ // update menu for record with is 'Open' } if(rowData.state=='Locked'){ // update menu for record with is 'Locked' } if(rowData.state=='Inactive'){ // update menu for record with is 'Inactive' } $('#tmenu').menu('show', { left:e.pageX, top:e.pageY }); } |