Title: easyui tabs BUG Post by: js9528 on July 18, 2011, 05:00:17 PM The version of 1.2.4 has bugs:
can not find tab by tabid,if there include some tab with same title but not same url,only one tab can show. Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 24, 2011, 06:49:30 PM It's not really a bug, but "I would like this, I would like this now!" feature. =)
Being able to call via an ID instead of title would make life a lot easier. I was going to submit a patch - but I see that the code has been obscured. Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 26, 2011, 08:42:18 PM Actually found the source.
Here's my hackish plugin: /plugins/jquery.idtabs.js Code: /** * idtabs - jQuery EasyUI * * Licensed under the GPL: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * * Copyright 2011 ellisgl */ (function($) { // get the left position of the tab element function getTabLeftPosition(container, tab) { var w = 0; var b = true; $('>div.tabs-header ul.tabs li', container).each(function() { if(this == tab) { b = false; } if(b == true) { w += $(this).outerWidth(true); } }); return w; } // get the max tabs scroll width(scope) function getMaxScrollWidth(container) { var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); var tabsWidth = 0; // all tabs width $('ul.tabs li', header).each(function() { tabsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); var wrapWidth = $('.tabs-wrap', header).width(); var padding = parseInt($('.tabs', header).css('padding-left')); return tabsWidth - wrapWidth + padding; } // set the tabs scrollers to show or not, // dependent on the tabs count and width function setScrollers(container) { var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); var tabsWidth = 0; $('ul.tabs li', header).each(function() { tabsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); if(tabsWidth > header.width()) { $('.tabs-scroller-left', header).css('display', 'block'); $('.tabs-scroller-right', header).css('display', 'block'); $('.tabs-wrap', header).addClass('tabs-scrolling'); if($.boxModel == true) { $('.tabs-wrap', header).css('left',2); } else { $('.tabs-wrap', header).css('left',0); } var width = header.width() - $('.tabs-scroller-left', header).outerWidth() - $('.tabs-scroller-right', header).outerWidth(); $('.tabs-wrap', header).width(width); } else { $('.tabs-scroller-left', header).css('display', 'none'); $('.tabs-scroller-right', header).css('display', 'none'); $('.tabs-wrap', header).removeClass('tabs-scrolling').scrollLeft(0); $('.tabs-wrap', header).width(header.width()); $('.tabs-wrap', header).css('left',0); } } // set size of the tabs container function setSize(container) { var opts = $.data(container, 'tabs').options; var cc = $(container); if(opts.fit == true) { var p = cc.parent(); opts.width = p.width(); opts.height = p.height(); } cc.width(opts.width).height(opts.height); var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); if($.boxModel == true) { var delta = header.outerWidth() - header.width(); header.width(cc.width() - delta); } else { header.width(cc.width()); } setScrollers(container); var panels = $('>div.tabs-panels', container); var height = opts.height; if(!isNaN(height)) { if($.boxModel == true) { var delta = panels.outerHeight() - panels.height(); panels.css('height', (height - header.outerHeight() - delta) || 'auto'); } else { panels.css('height', height - header.outerHeight()); } } else { panels.height('auto'); } var width = opts.width; if(!isNaN(width)) { if($.boxModel == true) { var delta = panels.outerWidth() - panels.width(); panels.width(width - delta); } else { panels.width(width); } } else { panels.width('auto'); } if($.parser) { $.parser.parse(container); } } /** * make the selected tab panel fit layout */ function fitContent(container) { var tab = $('>div.tabs-header ul.tabs li.tabs-selected', container); if(tab.length) { var panelId = $.data(tab[0], 'tabs.tab').id; var panel = $('#'+panelId); var panels = $('>div.tabs-panels', container); if(panels.css('height').toLowerCase() != 'auto') { if($.boxModel == true) { panel.height(panels.height() - (panel.outerHeight()-panel.height())); panel.width(panels.width() - (panel.outerWidth()-panel.width())); } else { panel.height(panels.height()); panel.width(panels.width()); } } $('>div', panel).triggerHandler('_resize'); } } // wrap the tabs header and body function wrapTabs(container) { $(container).addClass('tabs-container'); $(container).wrapInner('<div class="tabs-panels"/>'); $('<div class="tabs-header">' + '<div class="tabs-scroller-left"></div>' + '<div class="tabs-scroller-right"></div>' + '<div class="tabs-wrap">' + '<ul class="tabs"></ul>' + '</div>' + '</div>').prependTo(container); var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); $('>div.tabs-panels>div', container).each(function() { if(!$(this).attr('id')) { $(this).attr('id', 'gen-tabs-panel' + $.fn.idtabs.defaults.idSeed++); } var options = { id : $(this).attr('id'), title : $(this).attr('title'), content : null, href : $(this).attr('href'), closable : $(this).attr('closable') == 'true', icon : $(this).attr('icon'), selected : $(this).attr('selected') == 'true', cache : $(this).attr('cache') == 'false' ? false : true }; $(this).attr('title', ''); createTab(container, options); }); $('>div.tabs-panels>div', container).each(function() { if(!$(this).attr('id').match('tab_')) { //var y = $(this).attr('id').replace('tab_', ''); $(this).attr('id', 'content_'+$(this).attr('id')); } }); $('.tabs-scroller-left, .tabs-scroller-right', header).hover( function(){$(this).addClass('tabs-scroller-over');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('tabs-scroller-over');} ); $(container).bind('_resize', function(){ var opts = $.data(container, 'tabs').options; if(opts.fit == true){ setSize(container); fitContent(container); } return false; }); } function setProperties(container) { var opts = $.data(container, 'tabs').options; var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); var panels = $('>div.tabs-panels', container); var tabs = $('ul.tabs', header); if(opts.plain == true) { header.addClass('tabs-header-plain'); } else { header.removeClass('tabs-header-plain'); } if(opts.border == true) { header.removeClass('tabs-header-noborder'); panels.removeClass('tabs-panels-noborder'); } else { header.addClass('tabs-header-noborder'); panels.addClass('tabs-panels-noborder'); } $('li', tabs).unbind('.tabs').bind('click.tabs', function() { $('.tabs-selected', tabs).removeClass('tabs-selected'); $(this).addClass('tabs-selected'); $(this).blur(); $('>div.tabs-panels>div', container).css('display', 'none'); var wrap = $('.tabs-wrap', header); var leftPos = getTabLeftPosition(container, this); var left = leftPos - wrap.scrollLeft(); var right = left + $(this).outerWidth(); if(left < 0 || right > wrap.innerWidth()) { var pos = Math.min(leftPos - (wrap.width()-$(this).width()) / 2, getMaxScrollWidth(container)); wrap.animate({scrollLeft:pos}, opts.scrollDuration); } var tabAttr = $.data(this, 'tabs.tab'); var panel = $('#content_' + tabAttr.id); panel.css('display', 'block'); if(tabAttr.href && (!tabAttr.loaded || !tabAttr.cache)) { panel.load(tabAttr.href, null, function() { if($.parser) { $.parser.parse(panel); } opts.onLoad.apply(this, arguments); tabAttr.loaded = true; }); } fitContent(container); opts.onSelect.call(panel, tabAttr.id); }); $('a.tabs-close', tabs).unbind('.tabs').bind('click.tabs', function() { var elem = $(this).parent()[0]; var tabAttr = $.data(elem, 'tabs.tab'); closeTab(container, tabAttr.id); }); $('.tabs-scroller-left', header).unbind('.tabs').bind('click.tabs', function() { var wrap = $('.tabs-wrap', header); var pos = wrap.scrollLeft() - opts.scrollIncrement; wrap.animate({scrollLeft:pos}, opts.scrollDuration); }); $('.tabs-scroller-right', header).unbind('.tabs').bind('click.tabs', function() { var wrap = $('.tabs-wrap', header); var pos = Math.min(wrap.scrollLeft() + opts.scrollIncrement, getMaxScrollWidth(container)); wrap.animate({scrollLeft:pos}, opts.scrollDuration); }); } function createTab(container, options) { var header = $('>div.tabs-header', container); var tabs = $('ul.tabs', header); var tab = $('<li></li>').attr({id : 'tab_'+options.id}); var tab_span = $('<span></span>').html(options.title); var tab_a = $('<a class="tabs-inner"></a>').attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)') .append(tab_span); tab.append(tab_a).appendTo(tabs); if(options.closable) { tab_span.addClass('tabs-closable'); tab_a.after('<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="tabs-close"></a>'); } if(options.icon) { tab_span.addClass('tabs-with-icon'); tab_span.after($('<span/>').addClass('tabs-icon').addClass(options.icon)); } if(options.selected) { tab.addClass('tabs-selected'); } if(options.content) { $('#content_' + options.id).html(options.content); } $('#content_' + options.id).removeAttr('title'); $.data(tab[0], 'tabs.tab', { id : options.id, title : options.title, href : options.href, loaded : false, cache : options.cache }); //console.log($.data(tab[0], 'tabs.tab')); } function addTab(container, options) { options = $.extend( { id : null, title : '', content : '', href : null, cache : true, icon : null, closable : false, selected : true, height : 'auto', width : 'auto' }, options || {}); if(options.selected) { $('.tabs-header .tabs-wrap .tabs li', container).removeClass('tabs-selected'); } options.id = options.id || 'gen-tabs-panel' + $.fn.idtabs.defaults.idSeed++; $('<div></div>').attr({'id' : 'content_'+options.id, 'title' : options.title}) .height(options.height) .width(options.width) .appendTo($('>div.tabs-panels', container)); createTab(container, options); } // close a tab with specified title function closeTab(container, id) { var opts = $.data(container, 'tabs').options; var elem = $('>div.tabs-header #tab_'+id, container)[0]; if(!elem) { return; } var tabAttr = $.data(elem, 'tabs.tab'); var panel = $('#content_' + id); if(opts.onClose.call(panel, tabAttr.title) == false) { return; } var selected = $(elem).hasClass('tabs-selected'); $.removeData(elem, 'tabs.tab'); $(elem).remove(); panel.remove(); setSize(container); if(selected) { selectTab(container); } else { var wrap = $('>div.tabs-header .tabs-wrap', container); var pos = Math.min(wrap.scrollLeft(), getMaxScrollWidth(container)); wrap.animate({scrollLeft:pos}, opts.scrollDuration); } } // active the selected tab item, if no selected item then active the first item function selectTab(container, id) { if(id) { var elem = $('>div.tabs-header #tab_'+id, container)[0]; if(elem) { $(elem).trigger('click'); } } else { var tabs = $('>div.tabs-header ul.tabs', container); if($('.tabs-selected', tabs).length == 0) { $('li:first', tabs).trigger('click'); } else { $('.tabs-selected', tabs).trigger('click'); } } } function exists(container, id) { return $('>div.tabs-header #tab_'+id, container).length > 0; } $.fn.idtabs = function(options, param) { if(typeof options == 'string') { switch(options) { case 'resize': return this.each(function() { setSize(this); }); case 'add': return this.each(function() { addTab(this, param); $(this).idtabs(); }); case 'close': return this.each(function() { closeTab(this, param); }); case 'select': return this.each(function() { selectTab(this, param); }); case 'exists': return exists(this[0], param); } } options = options || {}; return this.each(function() { var state = $.data(this, 'tabs'); var opts; if(state) { opts = $.extend(state.options, options); state.options = opts; } else { var t = $(this); opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.idtabs.defaults, { width : (parseInt(t.css('width')) || undefined), height : (parseInt(t.css('height')) || undefined), fit : (t.attr('fit') ? t.attr('fit') == 'true' : undefined), border : (t.attr('border') ? t.attr('border') == 'true' : undefined), plain : (t.attr('plain') ? t.attr('plain') == 'true' : undefined) }, options); wrapTabs(this); $.data(this, 'tabs', { options: opts }); } setProperties(this); setSize(this); selectTab(this); }); }; $.fn.idtabs.defaults = { width : 'auto', height : 'auto', idSeed : 0, plain : false, fit : false, border : true, scrollIncrement : 100, scrollDuration : 400, onLoad : function(){}, onSelect : function(id){}, onClose : function(id){} }; })(jQuery); Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 26, 2011, 08:43:08 PM jquery.parser.js
Code: (function($){ $.parser = { auto: true, plugins:['linkbutton','menu','menubutton','splitbutton','layout', 'tree','window','dialog','datagrid', 'combobox','combotree','numberbox','validatebox', 'calendar','datebox','panel','tabs','idtabs','accordion' ], parse: function(context){ if ($.parser.auto){ for(var i=0; i<$.parser.plugins.length; i++){ (function(){ var name = $.parser.plugins[i]; var r = $('.easyui-' + name, context); if (r.length){ if (r[name]){ r[name](); } else if (window.easyloader){ easyloader.load(name, function(){ r[name](); }) } } })(); } } } }; $(function(){ $.parser.parse(); }); })(jQuery); Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 26, 2011, 08:44:02 PM easyloader.js
Code: /** * easyloader - jQuery EasyUI * * Licensed under the GPL: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * * Copyright 2010 stworthy [ stworthy@gmail.com ] * */ (function(){ var modules = { draggable:{ js:'jquery.draggable.js' }, droppable:{ js:'jquery.droppable.js' }, resizable:{ js:'jquery.resizable.js' }, linkbutton:{ js:'jquery.linkbutton.js', css:'linkbutton.css' }, pagination:{ js:'jquery.pagination.js', css:'pagination.css', dependencies:['linkbutton'] }, datagrid:{ js:'jquery.datagrid.js', css:'datagrid.css', dependencies:['panel','resizable','linkbutton','pagination'] }, treegrid:{ js:'jquery.treegrid.js', css:'tree.css', dependencies:['datagrid'] }, panel: { js:'jquery.panel.js', css:'panel.css' }, window:{ js:'jquery.window.js', css:'window.css', dependencies:['resizable','draggable','panel'] }, dialog:{ js:'jquery.dialog.js', css:'dialog.css', dependencies:['linkbutton','window'] }, messager:{ js:'jquery.messager.js', css:'messager.css', dependencies:['linkbutton','window'] }, layout:{ js:'jquery.layout.js', css:'layout.css', dependencies:['resizable','panel'] }, form:{ js:'jquery.form.js' }, menu:{ js:'jquery.menu.js', css:'menu.css' }, tabs:{ js:'jquery.tabs.js', css:'tabs.css', dependencies:['panel','linkbutton'] }, idtabs:{ js:'jquery.idtabs.js', css:'tabs.css', dependencies:['panel','linkbutton'] }, splitbutton:{ js:'jquery.splitbutton.js', css:'splitbutton.css', dependencies:['linkbutton','menu'] }, menubutton:{ js:'jquery.menubutton.js', css:'menubutton.css', dependencies:['linkbutton','menu'] }, accordion:{ js:'jquery.accordion.js', css:'accordion.css', dependencies:['panel'] }, calendar:{ js:'jquery.calendar.js', css:'calendar.css' }, combo:{ js:'jquery.combo.js', css:'combo.css', dependencies:['panel','validatebox'] }, combobox:{ js:'jquery.combobox.js', css:'combobox.css', dependencies:['combo'] }, combotree:{ js:'jquery.combotree.js', dependencies:['combo','tree'] }, combogrid:{ js:'jquery.combogrid.js', dependencies:['combo','datagrid'] }, validatebox:{ js:'jquery.validatebox.js', css:'validatebox.css' }, numberbox:{ js:'jquery.numberbox.js', dependencies:['validatebox'] }, spinner:{ js:'jquery.spinner.js', css:'spinner.css', dependencies:['validatebox'] }, numberspinner:{ js:'jquery.numberspinner.js', dependencies:['spinner','numberbox'] }, timespinner:{ js:'jquery.timespinner.js', dependencies:['spinner'] }, tree:{ js:'jquery.tree.js', css:'tree.css', dependencies:['draggable','droppable'] }, datebox:{ js:'jquery.datebox.js', css:'datebox.css', dependencies:['calendar','validatebox'] }, parser:{ js:'jquery.parser.js' } }; var locales = { 'af':'easyui-lang-af.js', 'bg':'easyui-lang-bg.js', 'ca':'easyui-lang-ca.js', 'cs':'easyui-lang-cs.js', 'da':'easyui-lang-da.js', 'de':'easyui-lang-de.js', 'en':'easyui-lang-en.js', 'fr':'easyui-lang-fr.js', 'nl':'easyui-lang-nl.js', 'zh_CN':'easyui-lang-zh_CN.js', 'zh_TW':'easyui-lang-zh_TW.js' }; var queues = {}; function loadJs(url, callback){ var done = false; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.language = 'javascript'; script.src = url; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (!done && (!script.readyState || script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete')){ done = true; script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; if (callback){ callback.call(script); } } } document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } function runJs(url, callback){ loadJs(url, function(){ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].removeChild(this); if (callback){ callback(); } }); } function loadCss(url, callback){ var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.media = 'screen'; link.href = url; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link); if (callback){ callback.call(link); } } function loadSingle(name, callback){ queues[name] = 'loading'; var module = modules[name]; var jsStatus = 'loading'; var cssStatus = (easyloader.css && module['css']) ? 'loading' : 'loaded'; if (easyloader.css && module['css']){ if (/^http/i.test(module['css'])){ var url = module['css']; } else { var url = easyloader.base + 'themes/' + easyloader.theme + '/' + module['css']; } loadCss(url, function(){ cssStatus = 'loaded'; if (jsStatus == 'loaded' && cssStatus == 'loaded'){ finish(); } }); } if (/^http/i.test(module['js'])){ var url = module['js']; } else { var url = easyloader.base + 'plugins/' + module['js']; } loadJs(url, function(){ jsStatus = 'loaded'; if (jsStatus == 'loaded' && cssStatus == 'loaded'){ finish(); } }); function finish(){ queues[name] = 'loaded'; easyloader.onProgress(name); if (callback){ callback(); } } } function loadModule(name, callback){ var mm = []; var doLoad = false; if (typeof name == 'string'){ add(name); } else { for(var i=0; i<name.length; i++){ add(name[i]); } } function add(name){ if (!modules[name]) return; var d = modules[name]['dependencies']; if (d){ for(var i=0; i<d.length; i++){ add(d[i]); } } mm.push(name); } function finish(){ if (callback){ callback(); } easyloader.onLoad(name); } var time = 0; function loadMm(){ if (mm.length){ var m = mm[0]; // the first module if (!queues[m]){ doLoad = true; loadSingle(m, function(){ mm.shift(); loadMm(); }); } else if (queues[m] == 'loaded'){ mm.shift(); loadMm(); } else { if (time < easyloader.timeout){ time += 10; setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); } } } else { if (easyloader.locale && doLoad == true && locales[easyloader.locale]){ var url = easyloader.base + 'locale/' + locales[easyloader.locale]; runJs(url, function(){ finish(); }); } else { finish(); } } } loadMm(); } easyloader = { modules:modules, locales:locales, base:'.', theme:'default', css:true, locale:null, timeout:2000, load: function(name, callback){ if (/\.css$/i.test(name)){ if (/^http/i.test(name)){ loadCss(name, callback); } else { loadCss(easyloader.base + name, callback); } } else if (/\.js$/i.test(name)){ if (/^http/i.test(name)){ loadJs(name, callback); } else { loadJs(easyloader.base + name, callback); } } else { loadModule(name, callback); } }, onProgress: function(name){}, onLoad: function(name){} }; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for(var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++){ var src = scripts[i].src; if (!src) continue; var m = src.match(/easyloader\.js(\W|$)/i); if (m){ easyloader.base = src.substring(0, m.index); } } window.using = easyloader.load; if (window.jQuery){ jQuery(function(){ easyloader.load('parser', function(){ jQuery.parser.parse(); }); }); } })(); Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: js9528 on July 28, 2011, 04:35:24 PM where can I download it?
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: js9528 on July 28, 2011, 05:00:14 PM iconCls does not work :(
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 28, 2011, 06:49:59 PM oops should be icon not iconCls
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on July 28, 2011, 07:15:50 PM No place for download - just cut and paste the parts into their respected files.
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: js9528 on August 02, 2011, 04:36:57 AM thanks a lot :)
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: eggbert on August 02, 2011, 11:32:49 AM Where did you find the source code?
The source on the download page is minified. Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: ellisgl on August 02, 2011, 12:44:15 PM http://code.google.com/p/jquery-easyui/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fsrc
Title: Re: easyui tabs BUG Post by: js9528 on August 08, 2011, 06:05:49 PM it can only display well in ie Compatible mode.