Title: css helper classes? Post by: isaki on June 16, 2016, 09:32:14 PM Hi everybody, im new using easyui and i think is a great tool, congratulations to the developers team.
In the time i have used it, i have had some troubles when i want to align elements inside panels, layout plugin and other containers. For example if i want to put a centered form inside a layout plugin (in the center region) or something more complicated it is difficult to me (at least) because i am not good enough in css... So i wander if is there some kind of documentation with css classes that let me do that easily, just like the bootstrap framework with its grid layout.... I have integrated easyui with th bootstrap framework and the grid layout has worked well; but it is true that some css classes gets overwritten and that is why i would like to do it just with easyui. Any recommendation? apart of learning css ;D Thanks in advance. |