Title: Documentation Post by: jaimi on October 07, 2016, 01:01:27 AM I am still confused at the various parameters for the UI-objects.
For example I can not find all possible options for a textbox defined as editor within a datagrid. I got the following code from the jeasyui pages but I have the impression by reading the posts at the forum that the content is not complete. Is there a proper documetation where I can find a complete list and explaination of all possible options. For my example I'd like to now all possible options of the editor of a datagrid-field with the textbox-type. Code: ,{field:'ZSP_GALOPP',title:'Galopp',width:100,sortable:'true',align:'left' ,editor:{ type:'textbox' ,options:{ required:true ,prompt:'Galopp...' ,missingMessage: 'Geben Sie die Note für den Galopp ein.' } }//editor }//field Title: Re: Documentation Post by: jarry on October 07, 2016, 08:07:49 AM Please look at http://www.jeasyui.com/documentation/textbox.php