Title: Propertygrid header show/hide destroy column width Post by: tmark on September 07, 2012, 05:20:50 AM I generate a propertygrid dynamically:
function createDynamic() { $('#holder').html('<table id="pg"></table>'); $('#pg').propertygrid({ showGroup:true, showHeader:true, scrollbarSize:0, fitColumns:true }); ... } Load data dynamically: function loadData() { data = '{"rows":[{"name":... ... $('#pg').propertygrid('loadData', JSON.parse(data)); } I tied the hideHeader function to click event (eg: button). var l = false; function hideHeader(){ $('#tt').propertygrid({ showHeader:l }); $('#pg').propertygrid({ showHeader:l }); l = !l; } After header hid and reappeared the column-width of the items were different. $('#tt') is also a propertygrid (from the demos) <table id="tt" class="easyui-propertygrid" style="width:300px" data-options="url:'propertygrid_data.json',showGroup:true,scrollbarSize:0"></table> I works well! I tested it both on ff and chrome. Is it a bug, or is it any solution? Thanks, Mark Title: Re: Propertygrid header show/hide destroy column width Post by: stworthy on September 08, 2012, 06:37:55 AM Yes, it is a bug that will be fixed in next version 1.3.1. Please download the fixed propertygrid plugin from http://www.jeasyui.com/easyui/plugins/jquery.propertygrid.js.