Title: Edatagrid Extension onDestroy causes undefined row. Post by: Alfred on November 29, 2017, 09:55:48 PM I want to reload the edatagrid inside a subgrid on destroying the row.
Code: onDestroy:function(index,row){ $(this).edatagrid('reload');//ddv.edatagrid('reload');//$('#ddv-'+index).edatagrid('reload'); } I got the following error: Code: TypeError: row is undefined _79c deleteRow/< each each deleteRow $.fn.datagrid _del/< success j fireWith x b The json reponse when deleting the row is below: Code: success true isError false msg Successfully deleted! What could be the problem? Other options I tried are in the comment. Please help. Title: Re: Edatagrid Extension onDestroy causes undefined row. Post by: stworthy on November 30, 2017, 09:10:15 AM There are no problems to reload the data after destroying a row. Please provide more information about your code, or provide an example to demonstrate your issue.