Title: Datagrid => rowstyle after user event [SOLVED] Post by: acreonte82 on May 27, 2020, 10:56:41 AM Hello to all,
I've a new problem and the situation is this: after user send a special event , i want the row of the datagrid change backgroud color. If I use the rowstyler function the datagrid reload the data . So how i can solve this problem? Some one can help me? Thanks Title: Re: Datagrid => rowstyle after user event Post by: jarry on May 30, 2020, 06:40:46 AM Please define the 'rowStyler' and then call 'refreshRow' or 'updateRow' method.
Title: Re: Datagrid => rowstyle after user event Post by: acreonte82 on June 07, 2020, 06:23:33 AM Sorry, I don't understand your answer.
This is the function called after an user event: Code: function mouveRowDg_toTop(dg,indexRow,row) { if (indexRow > 0) { dg.datagrid('deleteRow', indexRow); dg.datagrid('insertRow', {index:0,row:row}); dg.datagrid('selectRow', 0).datagrid('scrollTo', 0); } } The datagrid is loaded with all element, the problem is: put the text on bold with a backgroud color, after the row is mouved to the top. How I can do it? Title: Re: Datagrid => rowstyle after user event Post by: jarry on June 13, 2020, 09:16:46 PM Define the 'rowStyler' to make the text bold. Set the 'is_bold' of a row to make turn on or off the bold style. Please try the code below.
Code: $(function(){ $('#dg').datagrid({ rowStyler: function(index,row){ if (row.is_bold){ return 'font-weight:bold' } } }) }) function mouveRowDg_toTop(dg,indexRow,row) { if (indexRow > 0) { row.is_bold = true; dg.datagrid('deleteRow', indexRow); dg.datagrid('insertRow', {index:0,row:row}); dg.datagrid('selectRow', 0).datagrid('scrollTo', 0); } } Title: Re: Datagrid => rowstyle after user event Post by: acreonte82 on June 15, 2020, 10:50:23 AM Thanks! it Works!!
Many many Thanks!!!!!!!! |