Title: connection to database Post by: joe007 on July 26, 2020, 08:49:44 AM Hi,
I'm new on easyui..does anyone know how to connect the data grid with a table on database. thx, Joe Title: Re: connection to database Post by: stworthy on July 27, 2020, 12:21:37 AM This tutorial shows how to create a database table and retrieves data using a php script.
Please look at this tutorial https://www.jeasyui.com/tutorial/app/crud.php Title: Re: connection to database Post by: joe007 on July 27, 2020, 02:27:57 AM Hi,
Firstly thanks for the respon. I've read the script as below : $rs = mysql_query('select * from users'); $result = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($rs)){ array_push($result, $row); } echo json_encode($result); my next questions are : 1. Where are the database? it's only users table 2. I can not see the user, password, and db of those script thx, Joe |