Title: Nested datagrid expanding oddities Post by: chrwei on January 22, 2021, 02:52:18 PM trying to make a nested data grid expanded always. would be nice to have that as an option. in this example, gridata is a useState() array and mygrid is a useRef().
this expands the first row as expected Code: useEffect(() => { if (mygrid.current) { mygrid.current.expandRow(gridata[0]); } }, [gridata]) but this only expands the last row. Code: useEffect(() => { if (mygrid.current) { gridata.forEach(p => { mygrid.current.expandRow(p); }); } }, [gridata]) but this expands all rows. Code: useEffect(() => { if (mygrid.current) { gridata.forEach(p => { setTimeout(() => { mygrid.current.expandRow(p); }, 1); }); } }, [gridata]) not sure I understand why, but if you have this issue, this is your workaround. Additionally, updating the gridata causes the grid to collapse all rows automatically. Would be handy to have a parameter that could default a row expanded or not based on the row data, that way we could flag the new data for which rows should be expanded after the refresh. Title: Re: Nested datagrid expanding oddities Post by: jarry on January 26, 2021, 06:43:58 AM This issue has been solved. The 'expandField' property(default value is '_expanded') can be used to set the field of a row to specify the expanded status. Please call this code to expand all the rows.
Code: const data = griddata.slice(); data.forEach(row => row._expanded = true) setGriddata(data); Make sure to update to the newest version. Title: Re: Nested datagrid expanding oddities Post by: chrwei on January 26, 2021, 03:31:33 PM perfect and easy, thanks.