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General Category / Bug Report / menu('findItem') inconsistent results
on: March 29, 2018, 03:14:55 AM
Issue spotted when using datagrid-filter.js with, several errors thrown when the filter icon update occurs. re-created on the Current demo page$('#mm')[0] <div id="mm" class="easyui-menu menu-top menu" style="width: 120px; height: 124px; overflow: hidden; display: none; left: 0px; top: 0px;"> <div class="menu-line" style="height: 122px;"></div> <div onclick="javascript:alert('new')" class="menu-item" style="height: 22px;"> <div class="menu-text" style="height: 20px; line-height: 20px;">New</div> </div> <div class="menu-item" style="height: 22px;"> <div class="menu-text" style="height: 20px; line-height: 20px;"><span>Open</span> </div> <div class="menu-rightarrow"></div></div><div data-options="iconCls:'icon-save'" class="menu-item" style="height: 22px;">…</div><div data-options="iconCls:'icon-print',disabled:true" class="menu-item menu-item-disabled" style="height: 22px;">…</div> <div class="menu-sep"></div><div class="menu-item" style="height: 22px;">…</div></div>
$('#mm').menu('findItem','New') null
$('#mm').menu('findItem','Open') {text: "<span>Open</span>", onclick: null, target:}
General Category / Bug Report / datagrid-scrollview problem at 1.5.3
on: December 13, 2017, 10:45:49 AM
Hi, I recently attempted to upgrade my app to easyui 1.5.3, including the scrollview and edatagrid plugins. Scrollview in particular is causing a problem, as it seems to be trying to obtain data from its parent combogrid before any has been loaded. The error and stack trace received is as follows, with the first funciton from my app being openVrd: 17:11:49.852 jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:12 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at Object.indexOfArray (jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:12) at Object.getRowIndex (datagrid-scrollview.js:673) at jQuery.fn.init.$.fn.datagrid (jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:10816) at jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14735 at (jquery-2.2.4.js:452) at _afb (jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14734) at HTMLInputElement.<anonymous> (jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14886) at Function.each (jquery-2.2.4.js:365) at jQuery.fn.init.each (jquery-2.2.4.js:137) at setValues (jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14874) indexOfArray @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:12 getRowIndex @ datagrid-scrollview.js:673 $.fn.datagrid @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:10816 (anonymous) @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14735 map @ jquery-2.2.4.js:452 _afb @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14734 (anonymous) @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14886 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:365 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:137 setValues @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14874 $.fn.combogrid @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14847 (anonymous) @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14890 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:365 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:137 setValue @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14889 $.fn.combogrid @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:14847 _59f @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:7950 _59d @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:7900 success @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:7888 fire @ jquery-2.2.4.js:3187 fireWith @ jquery-2.2.4.js:3317 done @ jquery-2.2.4.js:8757 (anonymous) @ jquery-2.2.4.js:9123 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) send @ jquery-2.2.4.js:9175 ajax @ jquery-2.2.4.js:8656 load @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:7887 (anonymous) @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:8088 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:365 each @ jquery-2.2.4.js:137 load @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:8087 $.fn.form @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:8073 openVrd @ nav.js:1702 openVrdSpecific @ nav.js:1514 onClickRow @ nav.js:2142 _6c4 @ jquery.easyui.min.js?v=1.5.3:9702 dispatch @ jquery-2.2.4.js:4737 elemData.handle @ jquery-2.2.4.js:4549 jquery is at V2.2.4 and client browser is Chrome 63.
General Category / Bug Report / 1.4.5 Messager causes error 'Cannot read property options of undefined'
on: June 17, 2016, 03:54:01 AM
I have upgraded easyui to 1.4.5 for my application, now during initialisation I encounter an error _240 jquery.easyuui.1.4.5.js:3762
TypeError:Cannot read property 'options' of undefined'.
When debugging, I can see the line var _243 = $.data(_241, "panel"); _243 is undefined following execution of this. _241 is a div.messager-body.panel-body-panel-body-noborder.window-body _242 is undefined the call stack is _240 fn.panel.methods.destroy fn.window.methods.destroy fn.dialog.methods.destroy
_2b2() against div class="messager-progress>
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / validatebox return message from remote validator
on: November 18, 2015, 07:03:14 AM
The 'remote' validation is defined as: $.extend($.fn.validatebox.defaults.rules,{ remote: { validator: function(value, param){ var data = {}; data[param[1]] = value; var response = $.ajax({ url:param[0], dataType:'json', data:data, async:false, cache:false, type:'post' }).responseText; return response == 'true'; }, message: 'Please fix this field.' } })
It requires the server to return the 'true' string with no "\n" character. Regarding the above where 'validator' is defined for a validatebox, is it possible to compose a message during the validator function and have this appear in the box's tooltip?
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Set validType for all validatebox on form
on: November 17, 2015, 09:59:14 AM
I'm sure this is just a jquery thing, but I want to set the option: validType:'remote' ... dynamically using javascript, for all of the validatebox (including descendants i.e. textbox, combo etc.) on a form. I have tried a few combinations of jquery selectors based on class, tried grepping inputs for prefixes of 'easyui-' but whatever I do I don't seem to be able to get a clean iteration over the validateboxes on a form. I don't wish to set a default, because my app has plenty of other easyui controls that should not have this set. I also don't want to have to go into the markup because again, this comes from a dynamic source. Can anyone help me with a selector that will let me add this option to a bunch of validatebox inputs? Thanks for any help in advance!
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Datebox manual entry assumes Year 0000
on: July 23, 2015, 08:00:09 AM
I have had an 'annoyance' logged by my users, in that when they start typing into the input field of a datebox in UK format, e.g. 23/07, the datebox starts to set the value according to what they type. Unfortunately the year 'jumps' to 0000 and if they hit enter at this point then this is what is submitted - in this case as a filter.
Is it possible to assume current year when the year result is 0?