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General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / tree dnd (drag and drop) error Cannot read property 'NodeName' of undefined
on: August 17, 2015, 12:10:59 AM
goor afternoon, i have a problem using dnd feature on my tree. here is my code: // Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. // All this logic will automatically be available in application.js.
$(function(){ $('#tree_admin_pages').tree({ url: $('#admin_pages_data').data('tree-url'), method: "get", animate: true, lines: true, dnd: true, queryParams: {}, onStartDrag: function(node){ console.log(node); }, onStopDrag: function(node){ console.log(node);
}, onDrop: function(target,source,point){ console.log(target); console.log(source); console.log(point); }, onContextMenu: function(e, node){ e.preventDefault(); // expand current node tree jika ada child $(this).tree('expand',; // select current node $(this).tree('select',; // show menu action $('#cm_tree_admin_page').menu("show",{ top:e.pageY, left: e.pageX });
// dapatkan child current node var child = $(this).tree('getChildren',; // jika node memiliki child maka menu delete disable if (child.length > 0){ $('#cm_tree_admin_page').menu('disableItem', $('#cm_tree_admin_page .delete_page')[0]); }else{ $('#cm_tree_admin_page').menu('enableItem', $('#cm_tree_admin_page .delete_page')[0]); }
}, onExpand: function(node){ // dapatkan child current node var child = $(this).tree('getChildren',; // jika node memiliki child maka menu delete disable if (child.length > 0){ $('#cm_tree_admin_page').menu('disableItem', $('#cm_tree_admin_page .delete_page')[0]); } }, onLoadSuccess: function(node, data){ // expand all nodes saat success load $(this).tree("expandAll"); } });
// define ckeditor // CKEDITOR.replace('admin_page_page_content'); CKEDITOR.config.height = 400;
$('#cm_tree_admin_page').menu({ onClick: function(item){ var target =, node = $('#tree_admin_pages').tree('getSelected'), subdomain = $('#admin_pages_data').data("subdomain"); // jika tidak ada node yang dipilih, maka return false if (node == []) return false; // check berdasarkan class if ($(target).hasClass("edit_page")){ // function dari nst_cms, nb: semua function dengan prefix nc* ada di nst_cms.js nc_dynamic_link({href: "/admin/pages/""/edit"}); // nc_dynamic_link({href: "/admin/pages/"+nc_parameterize(node.text)+"/edit"}); }else if ($(target).hasClass("delete_page")){ $.messager.confirm("Confirmation", "Are you sure?", function(r){ if (r){ nc_dynamic_link({href: "/admin/pages/", "data-method": "delete", rel: "nofollow"}); } }); }else if ($(target).hasClass("show_page")){ if (node.forward_url == "" || node.forward_url == null){ nc_dynamic_link({href: nc_url_subdomain_build(subdomain)+node.path, target: "_blank"}); }else{ nc_dynamic_link({href: node.forward_url, target: "_blank"}); } } } });
$('#page_title').bind("keydown keyup", function(){ var obj_val = $(this).val(); $('#page_url').val(nc_parameterize(obj_val)); }); });
problem begin, when i start dragging and dropping tree node, and show lots of jquery error message. am i miss something on my code? i was using easyui version 1.4.3. many thanks for the answer.
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / custom datagrid header [solved]
on: May 24, 2015, 08:53:31 PM
hello again. i have a simple question, but may be a bit difficult for to do that. if it possible to make datagrid header format like this ?: ___________________________________ | column band | header 1 |---------------------------------- | | col 1 | col 2 | col 3 | |---------------------------------- | |sub col 1 | sub col 2 | sub col 3| ----------------------------------------------- i already try to make datagrid achieve just like that, but the result not as expected. here my code: list_data.datagrid({ // url: "#{sc_load_data_audit_trials_path(:prm => params[:prm])}", method: "get", fit: true, title: "Audit Trails", idField: "id", toolbar: "#tb_list_data", resizeHanlde: "right", striped: true, rownumbers: true, frozenColumns: [ [{field: 'field_name', title: "Field Name / State", width: 150, sortable: false, halign: 'left', align: 'center', rowspan: 2}], [] ], columns: [ [ [{title: 'test 1', colspan: 3, halign: 'center'}], [ {field: 'test1', title: 'test1', colspan: 1}, {field: 'test2', title: 'test1', colspan: 1}, {field: 'test3', title: 'test1', colspan: 1} ] ], [ {field: 'test1', title: 'test1'}, {field: 'test2', title: 'test1'}, {field: 'test3', title: 'test1'} ] ] });
thanks in advance
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / datagrid filter problem
on: May 17, 2015, 08:58:12 PM
hello again, i have a little problem using datagrid filter extension, and this is first time i meet with this problem. my problem is, when i try to filter the datagrid, result from filter always calling twice, and the weirdest is that row become multiple, for example , when i filter something just said it return 2 record which mean it's 2 rows, but in my case, the datagrid is request again to server, (until here i think it's ok) , but the problem is showing up. on the second request, record become multiple which mean 4 record. i already try to debug it on my application log, and on that second request, i check the query result is 2, but when after loaded into datagrid, become 4.? why it is happen? is i miss something? here is my code: <div class='tb' id='tb_grid_wizard'> <a class="easyui-linkbutton" href="javascript:void(0)" iconCls="icon-add" id="add_row" onclick="add_row();">Add Row</a> </div> <script> // start VAR global atau yang dipakai berulang-ulang untuk function dibawah var frm_url ; // variable untuk url save, update, dan delete form var cmenu ; var rep_obj = 'b_product_b_attr' ; //CUSTOMIZE var $list_data = $('#list_data') ; // define id yang di gunakan sebagai datagrid. var $frm_dlg = $('#frm_dlg') ; // define id yang di gunakan sebagai form modal. var $frm = $('#frm') ; // define id yang digunakan sebagai form di dalam form modal. var url_crud_row = "/bmod/product/b_product_b_attrs/control_data_pivot?prm=4801"; // CUSTOMIZE define url yang digunakan untuk proses save, update, dan delete datagrid. var init_url = "/bmod/product/b_product_b_attrs/sc_counter?prm=4801"; //define url yang digunakan untuk init data ketika create new data. var is_master_detail = true; // custom master detail; // stop VAR $(function(){ $('#list_data').datagrid({ url:'/bmod/product/b_product_b_attrs/sc_load_data_pivot_index?prm=4801', method:'get', toolbar: '#tb_grid_wizard', fitColumns:false, fit: true, rownumbers: true, striped: true, idField: 'id', remoteFilter: true, autoRowHeight: true, checkOnSelect: false, selectOnCheck: false, view: scrollview, frozenColumns:[ [ {field:'action',title: 'Nav', align: 'center', halign: 'center', sortable: false, rowspan: 2, width: 100, formatter: function(value,row,index){ var s = '<a href="#" onclick="save_attr_row(this, $(\'#list_data\'))" data-no-turbolink="true" id="save" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-save" title="Save"></a>'; var c = '<a href="#" onclick="cancel_attr_row(this, $(\'#list_data\'))" data-no-turbolink="true" id="cancel" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-cancel" title="Cancel"></a>'; var e = '<a href="#" onclick="edit_attr_row(this, $(\'#list_data\'))" data-no-turbolink="true" id="edit" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-edit" title="Edit"></a>'; var d = '<a href="#" onclick="delete_attr_row(this, $(\'#list_data\'), state)" data-no-turbolink="true" id="delete" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-remove" title="Delete"></a>'; if (row.editing){ return s+" | "+c; }else{ return d; } } } ],[] ], columns: [[{title: 'Attributes',halign: 'center', colspan: 4}],[{field: 'attribute_0', title:'COLOUR', align:'left', halign:'center',width:200, sortable: false, formatter: function(value, row,index){ return row.attribute_0_name; }, editor:{ type:'combogrid', options:{ url: '/ncs_lookups/a_lov_user_as', queryParams:{role:9, prm_parent:'42', prm_active: true}, mode: 'remote', method: 'get', panelWidth: 300, idField: 'lov_id_user', textField: 'lov_title_b', height:22, required: true, tipPosition: 'top', attr_id: '124', onShowPanel:function(){return rowHeight(this);}, columns: [[ {field: 'lov_title_b', width: 230,title: 'Name', halign: 'center', sortable: true} ]] } } },{field: 'attribute_1', title:'BRAND', align:'left', halign:'center',width:200, sortable: false, formatter: function(value, row,index){ return row.attribute_1_name; }, editor:{ type:'combogrid', options:{ url: '/ncs_lookups/a_lov_user_as', queryParams:{role:9, prm_parent:'44', prm_active: true}, mode: 'remote', method: 'get', panelWidth: 300, idField: 'lov_id_user', textField: 'lov_title_b', height:22, required: true, tipPosition: 'top', attr_id: '125', onShowPanel:function(){return rowHeight(this);}, columns: [[ {field: 'lov_title_b', width: 230,title: 'Name', halign: 'center', sortable: true} ]] } } },{field: 'attribute_str_2', title: 'TYPE', align: 'left', halign: 'center', width: 200, sortable: false, editor: { type: 'textbox', options: { validType: 'maxLength[50]', required: true, attr_id: '126' } } },{field: 'attribute_bool_3', title: 'NEW', align: 'center', halign: 'center', width: 100, sortable: false, formatter: function(value,row,index){ if (row.attribute_bool_3 == 1){ row.attribute_3_name = 'TRUE'; return row.attribute_3_name; }else{ row.attribute_3_name = 'FALSE'; return row.attribute_3_name; } }, editor: { type: 'checkbox', options: {on: 1, off: 0, attr_id: '171'} } }]], // onHeaderContextMenu: function(e, field){ // e.preventDefault(); // if (!cmenu){ // createColumnMenu($list_data); // } //'show',{ // left: e.pageX, // top: e.pageY // }); // }, onCheck: function(index,row){ start_edit(this); }, onCheckAll: function(rows){ start_edit(this); }, onUncheck: function(index,row){ stop_edit(this, row); }, onUncheckAll: function(rows){ stop_edit(this, rows); }, onBeforeEdit: function(index,row){ row.editing = true; updateActions(index, $(this)); loadLinkbutton(this); state.op = "edit"; }, onBeginEdit: function(index,row){ var field = $(this).datagrid('getColumnFields'); /* for(var i=0; i< field.length;i++){ var col_opt = $(this).datagrid('getColumnOption', field[i]); row[field[i]+"_attr_id"] = col_opt.attr_id; } */ }, onAfterEdit: function(index, row, changes){ row.editing = false; var data = $(this).datagrid('getData'); var rows = data.rows; if ( > 1){ var count = 0; for(var i=0; i< rows.length; i++){ var vrow = rows[i]; if (index != i){ if (JSON.stringify(row) == JSON.stringify(vrow)){ count += 1; } } } if (count == 0){ get_attr_change($(this), index, row, this); }else{ $(this).datagrid('acceptChanges'); updateActions(index, $(this)); loadLinkbutton(this); state.op = 'show'; state.row = ''; $(this).datagrid('beginEdit', index); $.messager.alert('Info','Each record must uniqe.','info'); } }else{ get_attr_change($(this), index, row, this); // $(this).datagrid('acceptChanges'); // updateActions(index, $(this)); // loadLinkbutton(this); // state.op = 'show'; // state.row = ''; } }, onEndEdit: function(index,row,changes){ var field = $(this).datagrid('getColumnFields'); var id_attr = ""; var produk_name = ""; for(var i=0; i < field.length; i++){ var col_opt = $(this).datagrid('getColumnOption', field[i]); if (col_opt.editor.type == 'combogrid'){ var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor', {index: index, field: field[i]}); var text = $('getText'); var value = $('getValue'); row[field[i]+"_name"] = text; id_attr += value; produk_name += " "+text; }else if (col_opt.editor.type == 'textbox'){ var ed = $(this).datagrid('getEditor', {index: index, field: field[i]}); var value = $('getValue'); produk_name += " "+value; }else if (col_opt.editor.type == 'checkbox'){ if (row[field[i]] == 1){ row[field[i]+"_name"] = "TRUE"; // row[field[i]] = "TRUE"; }else{ row[field[i]+"_name"] = "FALSE"; // row[field[i]] = "FALSE"; } var text = row[field[i]+"_name"] var value = row[field[i]] id_attr += value; produk_name += " "+text; } } row["vproduk_name"] = produk_name; row["vid_attr"] = id_attr; }, onCancelEdit: function(index,row){ row.editing = false; updateActions(index, $(this)); loadLinkbutton(this); state.op = "show"; }, onLoadSuccess:function(data){ var ck = $('.datagrid-header-check').find('input[type="checkbox"]'); ck.remove(); loadLinkbutton(this); state.op = "show"; if (data.rows == []){ if (data.rows[0].product_id != null){ obj.idParent = data.rows[0].product_id; } } var panel = $(this).datagrid('getPanel').find('.datagrid-view2'); var body = $(panel).find('.datagrid-body'); if ( == 0) { $(body).append("<div class='no-result'>Please click button add row first.</div>"); } else { $(body).remove('.no-result'); } }, onSelect: function(index,row){ // $(this).datagrid('unselectRow',index); } }); $('#list_data').datagrid('enableFilter',[ {field: 'action', type: 'label'} ]); }); function loadDataFromParent(idParent){ $.get("/bmod/product/b_product_b_attrs/sc_load_datagrid_column?prm=4801", function(data){ obj.idParent = idParent; if (data.code_string != "" || data.code_string != null){ eval("("+data.code_string+")"); } $('#list_data').datagrid('enableFilter',[ {field: 'action', type: 'label'} ]); } ); } function save_attr_row(target, obj){ obj.datagrid('endEdit',getRowIndex(target)); } function cancel_attr_row(target, obj){ if (state.row == "new_row"){ obj.datagrid('rejectChanges'); var data = obj.datagrid('getData'); if ( > 0){ obj.datagrid('reload'); // updateActions(getRowIndex(target), $(target)); // loadLinkbutton(target); } }else{ if (obj.datagrid('getChanges').length){ obj.datagrid('rejectChanges'); }else{ obj.datagrid('cancelEdit', getRowIndex(target)); } } state.row = ""; } function edit_attr_row(target, obj){ obj.datagrid('beginEdit', getRowIndex(target)); } function delete_attr_row(target, obj, state){ $.messager.confirm("Confirmation","Are you sure to delete this product attribute ?",function(r){ if (r){ var index = getRowIndex(target); obj.datagrid('deleteRow', index); get_attr_change($('#list_data'), index, {}, target); // obj.datagrid('acceptChanges'); // var data = obj.datagrid('getData'); // if ( > 0){ // obj.datagrid('reload'); // }else{ // obj.datagrid('loadData',[]); // } } }); } function add_row(){ if (is_master_detail){ if (typeof obj.idParent === "undefined"){ $.messager.alert('Warning', 'Create parent data first before create detaill data.'); return false; } } var row = $('#list_data').datagrid('getChecked'); if (state.op == "edit"){ $.messager.alert('Warning', 'There are current record being edited. You can not editing different record in the same time.'); return false; } $('#list_data').datagrid('insertRow',{ index: 0, row: {} }); state.row = "new_row"; $('#list_data').datagrid('selectRow',0); $('#list_data').datagrid('beginEdit',0); } function new_row(dg){ $.messager.alert('Info',"Please use button 'Add Row' below.", 'info'); return false; } function new_form(state){ $.messager.alert('Info',"Please use button 'Add Row' below.", 'info'); return false; } function get_attr_change(dg, index, row, target){ // var dg = $(target); if (dg.datagrid('getChanges').length){ var inserted = dg.datagrid('getChanges','inserted'); var updated = dg.datagrid('getChanges', 'updated'); var deleted = dg.datagrid('getChanges','deleted'); var changedRow = new Object(); if (inserted.length){ changedRow['inserted'] = JSON.stringify(inserted); } if (updated.length){ changedRow['updated'] = JSON.stringify(updated); } if (deleted.length){ changedRow['deleted'] = JSON.stringify(deleted); } } if (typeof changedRow == 'undefined' || changedRow == null){ updateActions(index, $(target)); loadLinkbutton(target); state.op = 'show'; state.row = ''; return false; } // AJAX REQ $.post(url_crud_row, { row_data: changedRow }, function(data){ if (data.msg == "OK"){ dg.datagrid('acceptChanges'); if (state.row == 'new_row'){ updateActions(index, dg); loadLinkbutton(target); }else if (state.op == 'edit'){ updateActions(index, dg); loadLinkbutton(target); }else{ var page = getCurrentPage(dg); if (page == 1){ dg.datagrid('reload'); }else{ dg.datagrid('refetch'); } // jika datagrid empty. if (isNaN(page)){ dg.datagrid('reload'); } } state.op = 'show'; state.row = ''; } else { if (state.row == 'new_row'){ dg.datagrid('rejectChanges'); }else if (state.op == 'edit'){ dg.datagrid('beginEdit',index); }else{ dg.datagrid('rejectChanges'); } $.messager.alert('Info', data.msg, 'info'); } }); } </script>
many thanks for the answer and explanation (i hope you understand with my explanation). if you guys need more information about my problem, just replay my post.
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: pivot grid extension
on: May 11, 2015, 08:01:15 PM
thanks stworthy for your answer. but,
is there a way to using like formatter properties on datagrid, so i can do something like bind the value with another value contains string? because i really need this plugin to support that feature.
thanks in advance
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / pivot grid extension
on: May 10, 2015, 07:37:57 PM
hello again,
want to ask about pivot gird extension, btw its great plugin.
after seeing and try pivot grid demo, i see, value on pivot grid is only support for number value, but not string value,
is it possible to use string as value on pivot grid? because when i try to mov field that contain string value to 'value' panel, all value become 0 (zero)
thanks in adnvance
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / bind function when ok button on messager confrim click
on: May 09, 2015, 03:06:29 AM
hello again,
the title says all.
it is possible to do that? . i already read carefully the document, but there is not method of function to get the ok button, so i can bind that button to some function.
my purpose to do this is because i have already a static function that it called with many form, and i can't change or modify that function which will impact to other form .
many thanks for the answer