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General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / [SOLVED]Filterbuilder more fields with own editor
on: December 24, 2022, 03:06:29 AM
If i have this code, and change field from status to typeName, the combobox still have the values from status combobox, not the values from typeName
$('#fb').filterbuilder({ rules: [{ op: 'or', children: [{ field: 'status', op: 'equal', value: '1' }] }], fields: [ { field:'status', title:'Status', editor:{ type:'combobox', options:{ editable:false, width: '200px', data:[ {value:'0',text:'Under udvikling'}, {value:'1',text:'Aktiv'}, {value:'2',text:'Afsluttet'}, {value:'3',text:'Pause'} ] } } },{ field:'typeName', title:'Type', editor:{ type:'combobox', options:{ editable:false, width: '200px', data:[ {value:'Fagspecialist',text:'Fagspecialist'}, {value:'Processejer',text:'Processejer'} ] } } } ], operators: opList })
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Filterbuilder
on: December 23, 2022, 01:27:36 AM
Tried this. The opList works fine, but the combobox is only a textbox
var opList = [ { op: 'contains', text: 'Indeholder' }, { op: 'equal', text: 'Lig med' }, { op: 'notequal', text: 'Forskellig fra' }, { op: 'beginwith', text: 'begynder med' }, { op: 'endwith', text: 'Slutter med' }, { op: 'less', text: 'Mindre end' }, { op: 'lessorequal', text: 'Mindre end eller lig med' }, { op: 'greater', text: 'Større end' }, { op: 'greaterorequal', text: 'Større end eller lig med' } ]
$(function(){ $('#fb').filterbuilder({ rules: [{ op: 'or', children: [{ field: 'status', op: 'contains', value: '1' }] }], fields: [{ field:'status', title:'Status', operators: opList, editor:{ type:'combobox', options:{ editable:false, width: '200px', data:[ {value:'0',text:'Under udvikling'}, {value:'1',text:'Aktiv'}, {value:'2',text:'Afsluttet'}, {value:'3',text:'Pause'} ] } } }] }) });
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / [SOLVED]Filterbuilder editor
on: December 21, 2022, 04:59:55 PM
Can't find the right way to get all the operators into the status field. The combobox is fine, but it uses the op: 'equal. text: 'Equal'
Of course i can write all into the field operators, but if i have more fields, i think it's not the way writing all operators over and over again..
$(function(){ $('#fb').filterbuilder({ rules: [{ op: 'or', children: [{ field: 'status', op: 'contains', value: '1' }] }], fields: [ {field:'status',title:'Status', operators: [ {op:'equal',text:'Equal',editor:{ type:'combobox', options:{ editable:false, width: '200px', data:[ {value:'0',text:'Under udvikling'}, {value:'1',text:'Aktiv'}, {value:'2',text:'Afsluttet'}, {value:'3',text:'Pause'} ] } }} ] } ], operators: [ { op: 'contains', text: 'Indeholder' }, { op: 'equal', text: 'Lig med' }, { op: 'notequal', text: 'Forskellig fra' }, { op: 'beginwith', text: 'begynder med' }, { op: 'endwith', text: 'Slutter med' }, { op: 'less', text: 'Mindre end' }, { op: 'lessorequal', text: 'Mindre end eller lig med' }, { op: 'greater', text: 'Større end' }, { op: 'greaterorequal', text: 'Større end eller lig med' } ] }) });
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / [SOLVED]Row from variable name
on: December 21, 2022, 02:32:34 AM
Can't find how to use colName with row
function (objID,colName) { var rows = $('#'+objID).datagrid('getSelections'); for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ var row = rows; dconsole.log(row.[colName]) } }
Regards Jesper
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Form check if anything is changed and reversed
on: May 30, 2022, 07:08:37 AM
Hi Jarry.
In between i found a solution, and it is similar to yours.
<form id="fmEditProfile" method="post" class="easyui-form" novalidate data-options=" onLoadSuccess: function() { $('#saveButton').linkbutton('disable'); origForm = $('#fmEditProfile').serialize(); }, onChange: function(target){ if ($(this).serialize() !== origForm) { $('#saveButton').linkbutton('enable'); } else { $('#saveButton').linkbutton('disable'); } }">
Thanks anyway
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / [SOLVED]Form check if anything is changed or not
on: May 23, 2022, 12:53:41 AM
The onChange event can be fired when an element is changed.
But how to "Unchange" when the user have written something in a textbox, and deleted it again.
What i want is, that when user change something the save button must be enabled, but also when user delete the change, the savebutton must disable again, as no change is done.