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General Category / General Discussion / Re: Datagrid client side filtering is not working
on: August 02, 2018, 02:24:58 AM
I have debugged the code in chrome, actually by default the operator is "Contains" in the isMatch function it is comparing with the list of operators. It is failing there.
I have set the below properties to the datagrid configuration
defaultFilterOperator: 'equal', defaultFilterType: 'textbox',
It is working if the value matches in the rows, but I want to filter the data with "contains" only.
Can anyone suggest what configuration I need to change?
General Category / General Discussion / Datagrid client side filtering is not working
on: August 02, 2018, 01:50:19 AM
Hi, I tried to configure the client side filtering in Datagrid, it is giving the below exception. Current Datagrid configuration table.datagrid({ pagination:true, remoteSort:false, remoteFilter:false, pageSize: 10, loadMsg:$("#gridProcessing").text(), url:"getList.htm", onLoadError: function(){ table.datagrid('loadData',[]); }, view: main.noRecordsView, });
Below exception I am getting with the existing datagrid-filters.js file Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isMatch' of undefined at isMatch (datagrid-filter.js:129) at HTMLTableElement.filterMatcher (datagrid-filter.js:104) at HTMLTableElement.myLoadFilter (datagrid-filter.js:447) at HTMLTableElement.opts.loadFilter (datagrid-filter.js:562) at _612 (jquery.easyui.min.js:9003) at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (jquery.easyui.min.js:9894) at Function.each (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2) at m.fn.init.each (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2) at Object.loadData (jquery.easyui.min.js:9893) at Object.$.fn.datagrid.methods.loadData (datagrid-filter.js:24)
I tried with the latest datagrid-filter.js from the below url, still i am getting the same exception TypeError: Cannot read property 'isMatch' of undefined at isMatch (datagrid-filter.js:228) at HTMLTableElement.filterMatcher (datagrid-filter.js:193) at HTMLTableElement.myLoadFilter (datagrid-filter.js:637) at HTMLTableElement.opts.loadFilter (datagrid-filter.js:778) at _612 (jquery.easyui.min.js:9003) at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (jquery.easyui.min.js:9894) at Function.each (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2) at m.fn.init.each (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:2) at Object.loadData (jquery.easyui.min.js:9893) at Object.loadData (datagrid-filter.js:36)
Please help to fix this issue. Thanks, Pandu Ranga T.
General Category / General Discussion / Load datagrid combo filter dynamically from remote server
on: July 13, 2018, 07:23:46 AM
Hi, We have a requirement to show the combo filter in a datagrid dynamic data which it loads from remote server. I have written the below code, there are not errors but list is not loading. Can anyone please help how to load remote options dynamically in the datagrid combo box. dg.datagrid('enableFilter',[{ field:'personName', type:'combobox', valueField: 'id', textField: 'name', loader: listLoader, mode: 'remote' } ]);
var listLoader = function (){ var items = ""; $.ajax({ url: 'accTypesList.htm', type:'POST', cache:false, success: function(data){ items = $.parseJSON(data, function(key,value){ return { id: key, name: value }; }); } }); return items; }
[u]Response format example[/u]: {"1":"abc","2":"xyz","3":"asdf"}
Thanks in advance.
General Category / General Discussion / Re: Change Combobox Filter options in Datagrid dynamically
on: March 05, 2018, 09:59:04 PM
Hi Jarry, Its not the enable/disable the filter for a particular combobox. We have to enable/disable the option in the combobox based on a radio button selection. { field:'column', type:'combobox', options:{ panelHeight:'auto', data:[ {value:'',text:$("#all").text()}, {value:'01',text:$("#confirmed").text()}, {value:'02',text:$("#waitList").text()}, {value:'03',text:$("#cancelled").text(), disabled: true}, // We need to change disabled attribute onSelecting a radio button outside the grid. {value:'04',text:$("#checkedIn").text()}, {value:'06',text:$("#open").text()} ] } }
Thanks in advance.