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31  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Blank line on combobox when loaded from remote data on: February 09, 2022, 04:24:28 PM
Actually I have found a workaround for this. If you look in the debugger you can see that EasyUI creates IDs for each individual item in the combobox, as shown here.

The ID I used for the combobox is selShipMethod. So it takes this and adds on the rest of what you see here. I don't know what the "i4" part means, but the last digit is sequential so the first (blank) item will always be _0.
<div id="selShipMethod_easyui_combobox_i4_0" class="combobox-item combobox-item-selected"></div>
<div id="selShipMethod_easyui_combobox_i4_1" class="combobox-item">Next Day Priority</div>
<div id="selShipMethod_easyui_combobox_i4_2" class="combobox-item">Next Day Standard</div>

So in my style section I just add this CSS and that eliminates the blank line. Strangely, using display: none instead of visibility: hidden doesn't work.

#selShipMethod_easyui_combobox_i4_0 {visibility: hidden}

32  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Blank line on combobox when loaded from remote data on: February 09, 2022, 09:01:32 AM
Even if there is a blank record, it is a bug because the line is only half height which makes no sense. But in this case the table has no blank records, and I don't want an option for the field to be blank.
33  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Blank line on combobox when loaded from remote data on: February 08, 2022, 04:35:15 PM
When populating a combobox from a URL, I've noticed that the combobox has a blank item at the top even though the data doesn't have any blank records. This line is only about half the height of the data lines, as seen in this screen shot:

I don't want this line to appear at all so how can I get rid of it? This seems like a bug.
34  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Filter function on numberbox on: June 25, 2021, 07:28:19 AM
This is what I was looking for. That sample code should be in the documentation, since it doesn't currently include any explanation of how to use the filter function.
35  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Filter function on numberbox on: June 25, 2021, 06:27:19 AM
Even if you set precision to 0, it still allows the decimal point. I don't want to allow it at all. I'm using it to enter fields like Zip code and credit card number.
36  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Filter function on numberbox on: June 23, 2021, 10:46:08 AM
When using numberboxes, sometimes I want to allow a decimal point and other times not to allow it. I can't figure out how to do this. I see there is a filter property that takes a function, but absolutely no information on how to use it. Can you provide an example of a filter function, or another way to specify whether to allow a decimal? This is missing from the documentation. Thank you.
37  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: onBeforeClose event in dialog on: September 29, 2020, 01:51:03 PM
This code doesn't make sense to me. Why is it even necessary? And what is the enableClosed option? I can't find this anywhere in the documentation. It seems like the onBeforeClose event is not working as it should. Please explain.
38  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / onBeforeClose event in dialog on: September 28, 2020, 08:02:09 AM
I have a dialog and I would like the user to confirm when they try to close it. In the onBeforeClose event I call a function to display a confirmation dialog and return the result. However, the dialog always closes immediately and then the confirmation is shown after it closes! I have tried several ways to show the confirmation dialog - native JS confirm, your messager, and another library to display confirmations. The same result occurs no matter how I do it. I have also tried putting the onBeforeClose code in the data-options, which makes no difference. So what is the problem here and how do I fix it?
// ConfirmClose is the function where I ask for the confirmation, trying the different methods mentioned above
$('#dlgDataEntry').dialog({onBeforeClose: function() { return(ConfirmClose()) }}); //
39  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Combobox height on: August 26, 2020, 06:19:59 AM
Yes, as I said I figured that out. But why isn't auto the default?
40  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Combobox height on: August 23, 2020, 07:09:20 PM
When using the combobox I noticed that the dropdown panel was usually much too big, even when there were only 2 or 3 choices. It took me quite a long time to figure out that this is controlled by panelHeight which defaults to 200. This needs to be set to 'auto'. Why isn't that the default? It makes no sense to have an arbitrary fixed height when there can be any number of items in the list.
41  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Dialog is offscreen when length of page content is greater than browser height on: June 16, 2020, 09:55:45 PM
I tried that, but it gets centered relative to the length of the content, and is still offscreen, probably in the same position it would have been without calling the center method. This definitely seems to be a bug, since there's no possible reason why you would want a dialog to be offscreen!
42  General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Dialog is offscreen when length of page content is greater than browser height on: June 15, 2020, 09:33:48 PM
When I open a dialog on a page where the length of the page content is greater than the height of the browser, it is centered relative to the page length, not the browser window, so it appears offscreen vertically and you have to scroll down to see it, which is obviously not acceptable. I call the move method to move it to a specific position and this works, but it seems like a bug that the vertical centering is positioning it offscreen. Is this a bug or is it intended?
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