Can't find anythig about this.
Have a datagrid with dynamic columns. How can i set the width to alle columns depending on the longest header title.
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on: October 12, 2024, 11:47:47 AM
Started by jega - Last post by jega | ||
Can't find anythig about this. Have a datagrid with dynamic columns. How can i set the width to alle columns depending on the longest header title. Jesper |
on: October 11, 2024, 07:57:59 PM
Started by Wojak - Last post by jarry | ||
Please look at this example https://www.jeasyui.com/demo/test/test20.html. It works fine.
on: October 11, 2024, 03:05:08 PM
Started by Wojak - Last post by Wojak | ||
I found a code that calls
Code: _83b.ss.clean(); it removes the styles for width in datagrid "<style>" and never creates a new styles for columns it lefts only two classes Code: .datagrid-header-rownumber and .datagrid-cell-rownumber After a reload by using Code: $('#dg').datagrid('clearSelections').datagrid('removeFilterRule').datagrid('reload'); it loses the stylesIf i comment it out it works fine, i wonder why Im using version 1.10.19 |
on: October 08, 2024, 06:24:19 AM
Started by Wojak - Last post by Wojak | ||
I have again noticed a problem with the Scrollview in Datagrid. I have two datagrids with scrollview on the site. During the first load up, the rows do not render and after getData it shows any data, but not the “rows” are empty. Checking the item, I see that cells are generated, but they are empty. The POST method to the server renders the variable “rows”. After reload it shows correctly. Code: $(function () { $('#hor-premia-projektowa').datagrid({ url: 'p/.../select-premia-projektowa.php', columns: [[ { field: 'data_wprowadzenia', title: 'Data wprowadzenia', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'wprowadzajacy', title: 'Wprowadzający', width: '100px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'realizacja_numer', title: 'Realizacja', width: '80px', sortable: true, align: 'center' }, { field: 'nazwisko', title: 'Nazwisko', width: '100px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'imie', title: 'Imie', width: '100px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'kwota', title: 'Kwota', width: '90px', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'right', formatter: function (value, row, index) { if (value > 0) { return new Intl.NumberFormat('pl-PL', { useGrouping: true, style: 'currency', currency: 'PLN' }).format(value); } else { return ''; } } }, { field: 'opis', title: 'Opis', width: '430px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'zatwierdzona', title: 'Zatwierdzona', width: '80px', sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value, row, index) { switch (value) { case '1': return '<i style="color:green;" class="fa fa-check fa-xl"></i>'; case '2': return '<i style="color:red;" class="fa fa-times fa-xl"></i>'; default: return ''; } } }, { field: 'data_zatwierdzenia', title: 'Data zatwierdzenia', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'zatwierdzajacy', title: 'Zatwierdzający', width: '100px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'data_wyplaty', title: 'Data naliczenia', width: '100px', sortable: true, align: 'center' }, { field: 'wyplacona', title: 'Wypłacona', width: '80px', sortable: true, align: 'center', formatter: function (value, row, index) { switch (value) { case '1': return '<i style="color:inherit;" class="fa fa-coins fa-xl"></i>'; default: return ''; } } }, { field: 'wyplacajacy', title: 'Wypłacający', width: '100px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, ]], idField: 'id', singleSelect: true, rownumbers: true, // showFooter: true, pageSize: 100, remoteFilter: true, filterDelay: 1000, remoteSort: true, view: scrollview, onDblClickRow: function (index, row) { $(this).datagrid('selectRow', index); horPremiaProjektowaWinOpen(row.id); } }).datagrid('enableFilter'); $('#hor-premia-projektowa-budzet').datagrid({ url: 'p/.../select-premia-projektowa-budzet.php', columns: [[ { field: 'realizacja_numer', title: 'Realizacja', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, { field: 'budzet', title: 'Budżet', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'right', formatter: function (value, row, index) { return new Intl.NumberFormat('pl-PL', { useGrouping: true, style: 'currency', currency: 'PLN' }).format(value); } }, { field: 'wykorzystany_budzet', title: 'Wykorzystany budżet', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'right', formatter: function (value, row, index) { return new Intl.NumberFormat('pl-PL', { useGrouping: true, style: 'currency', currency: 'PLN' }).format(value); } }, { field: 'roznica', title: 'Różnica', width: '120px', sortable: true, halign: 'center', align: 'right', formatter: function (value, row, index) { return new Intl.NumberFormat('pl-PL', { useGrouping: true, style: 'currency', currency: 'PLN' }).format(value); } }, { field: 'data_modyfikacji', title: 'Data modyfikacji', width: '160px', sortable: true, align: 'center' }, { field: 'data_wprowadzenia', title: 'Data wprowadzenia', width: '160px', sortable: true, halign: 'center' }, ]], idField: 'id_realizacja', singleSelect: true, rownumbers: true, pageSize: 100, remoteFilter: true, filterDelay: 1000, remoteSort: true, clientPaging: false, view: scrollview, onDblClickRow: function (index, row) { $(this).datagrid('selectRow', index); horPremiaProjektowaBudzetWinOpen(row.id_realizacja); } }).datagrid('enableFilter'); }); |
on: September 23, 2024, 05:10:14 AM
Started by Wojak - Last post by Wojak | ||
I found that on a working example, you add the CSS code file inline. And then the class is one of.
Code: <div class="datagrid-cell hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-object_name"><span>Object Name</span><span class="datagrid-sort-icon"></span></div> Code: .datagrid-header-rownumber{width:29px} .datagrid-cell-rownumber{width:29px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-kompletacja{width:34px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-item_id_revision{width:249px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-object_name{width:599px;} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-object_type_pl{width:139px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-qty{width:39px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-qty_total{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-ilosc_pozycji{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-ilosc_pozycji_kompletnych{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-procent_kompletacji{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-procent_kompletacji_wydanych{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-procent_zamontowanych{width:69px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-planowana_data_kompletacji{width:99px} .hor-tcerp-zlozenia_datagrid-cell-c8-opcje{width:79px} But in the datagrid that doesn't work, no such file is created and those class names from the columns are not there Code: <div class="datagrid-cell hor-tcerp-pozycje-kompletacja-dg_datagrid-cell-c10-object_name" style="text-align: center;"><span>Object name</span><span class="datagrid-sort-icon"></span></div> I have an inline file with “c9”, but already another one that should be with “c10” is empty, there is only the following in it Code: .datagrid-header-rownumber{width:29px} .datagrid-cell-rownumber{width:29px} |
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Datagrid editing row methonds to save and cancel with enter and escape
on: September 11, 2024, 06:29:15 AM
Started by Wojak - Last post by Wojak | ||
Works like a charm
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / Re: Datagrid editing row methonds to save and cancel with enter and escape
on: September 10, 2024, 06:53:44 PM
Started by Wojak - Last post by jarry | ||
Please listen to the 'onBeginEdit' event and then bind additional events on each editors.
Code: $('#dg').datagrid({ onBeginEdit: function (index, row) { const editors = $(this).datagrid('getEditors', index); editors.forEach((editor) => { const t = $(editor.target); if (t.hasClass('textbox-f')) { t.textbox('textbox').on('keydown', (e) => { if (e.which == 13) { // enter // do your save action } else if (e.which == 27) { // escape $('#dg').datagrid('cancelEdit', index) } }) } }) } }) |
General Category / EasyUI for jQuery / [SOLVED] Datagrid editing row methonds to save and cancel with enter and escape
on: September 10, 2024, 01:02:48 PM
Started by Wojak - Last post by Wojak | ||
I would like to add to the datagrid the ability to edit after two clicks, I am already able to do this. But also I would like to add that when I start to edit a row then after I click enter or escape it is to save the row or cancel the row. Is there such a possibility? Also will this only work on one datagrid or many? |
on: September 04, 2024, 01:58:53 AM
Started by jega - Last post by jega | ||
Hi Jarry
Yes, have already used nbsp; But the solution in onLoadSuccess is much better thanks |
on: September 03, 2024, 07:16:43 PM
Started by jega - Last post by jarry | ||
Improve the 'formatRow' function to let it display tooltip on empty cells.
Code: function formatRow(value, row) { if (row.udgaaet == '1') { return '<div title="Udgået">' + (value||' ') + '</div'; } else { return value; } } If you really refuse to use the 'formatter' function, please try this code to display the tooltip on the specified rows. Code: $('#dgList').datagrid({ columns: [[ { field: 'metaServer', width: 200, title: 'Meta Server'}, { field: 'objektNavn', width: 250, title: 'Objekt navn'}, { field: 'jobNavn', width: 500, title: 'Job navn'}, { field: 'filNavn', width: 300, title: 'Fil navn'}, { field: 'lastfiledate', width: 120, title: 'Senest ændret'}, { field: 'dato_udgaaet', width: 120, title: 'Udgået'}, ]], onLoadSuccess: function (data) { const opts = $(this).datagrid('options'); data.rows.forEach((row, index) => { if (row.udgaaet == '1') { opts.finder.getTr(this, index).attr('title', 'Udgået'); } }) } }); |