When loading a form containing any combo or extended combo like a combogrid, is it possible to set initial TEXT, not initial value?
In my use case, the database might return something like:
I would like to have a combobox that can be bound to the DealerID field on the form, but also refer to DealerCode.
When the DealerID is null on the record, but DealerCode is populated, I'd like the combo to treat the value returned by the DB in that field as if it were user input. This should then to go on to search the data etc. just like if the user had input it.
I have tried all sorts, but I can't find a way to make this behaviour happen!
I am imagining something like:
<input name="DealerID" class="easyui-combobox" data-options="textFieldName='DealerCode'" />
As a
wanted side-effect, whatever is in the text field of the combo should post to the form field of that name.
Can anyone help with how I might achieve this?