I'm attempting to introduce some new forms into an existing webapp.
input validation on existing forms works fine. But on new forms I've added, it doesn't work. I am finding it hard to spot the issue and would appreciate some guidance.
An example of an input would be:
<input name="name" type="text" class="easyui-validatebox" data-options="missingMessage:'foo',required:true" />
This validation isn't happening. Examining the DOM shows that the validatebox-text & validatebox-invalid classes, typically appended to invalid inputs, are not there.
If I call
$("form :input[name='name']").validatebox()
in the console, then the above classes appear, and the field is validated.
I cannot spot calls to validatebox() on the existing forms, so assume there's no need to call it explicitly. At a loss then as to why some form validation is occurring and some doesn't.