Looking for a way to create a form using only JS, something like attached picture.
var $cont = $('<form/>', { id: 'ff0' });
var $cont1 = $('<input/>', { id: 'ff1' });
var $cont2 = $('<input/>', { id: 'ff2' });
var $cont3 = $('<input/>', { id: 'ff3' });
var $cont4 = $('<input/>', { id: 'ff4' });
var $cont5 = $('<input/>', { id: 'ff5' });
using(['combobox', 'textbox', 'filebox', 'passwordbox', 'linkbutton'], function () {
$cont1.textbox({ label: "Name", name: "Name" }).wrap('<div/>', {});
$cont2.textbox({ label: "Email", name: "Email" }).wrap('<div/>', {});
$cont3.textbox({ label: "Phone", name: "Phone" }).wrap('<div/>', {});
$cont4.filebox({ label: "File", name: "File" }).wrap('<div/>', {});
$cont5.linkbutton({ iconCls: 'icon-ok', text: 'OK', width: 70}).wrap('<div/>', {});
$('body').append($('<div/>', { id: 'win_' }));
using('window', function () {
$('#win_').window({ title: 'Test js form', width: 300, height: 200, content: $cont });
This works however not giving the right result, please advice.