I'm using multiple datagrids on a single page that use json files with some identical fieldnames (identifier for example).
My datagrid columns differ from the header, they fit the content they hold and do not apply the recommended style.
(tried fitColumns true and false)
so the two generated inline stylesheets : :
Datagrid 1
<style type="text/css">
div.datagrid-cell-c4-id {width:undefinedpx;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-groupIdentifier {width:undefinedpx;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-groupName {width:undefinedpx;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-subjectIdentifier {width:undefinedpx;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-subjectName {width:57px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-memberType {width:22px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c4-text {width:122px;}
Datagrid 2
<style type="text/css">
div.datagrid-cell-c1-identifier {width:72px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c1-subjectName {width:72px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c1-description {width:72px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c1-status {width:72px;}
div.datagrid-cell-c1-Studieadviseur {width:72px;}
I generate the datagrid only one time, and the html is only <table id="dg"/>.
Edit: It could be the IE 31 stylesheets limit.... I'll test this, the inline <style> tags are also counted