
Extend from $.fn.combo.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.timepicker.defaults.


  • combo

Usage Example

Create timepicker from markup.

Create timepicker using javascript.


The properties extend from combo, below is the added properties for timepicker.

Name Type Description Default
closeText string The text to display for the close button. Close
okText string The text to display for the ok button. Ok
value string The default value.
ampm array The labels for AM and PM buttons. ['am','pm']
hour24 boolean Defines if to display the time in 24 hour format. Available since version 1.9.9. false


The events extend from combo.


The methods extend from combo, below is the added methods for timepicker.

Name Parameter Description
options none Return the options object.
getValue none Get the component value.
setValue value Set the component value.
reset none Reset the component value.