It could be bug of could be feature but in our lovely IE it looks a bit different
Here is the DEMO of "Complex DataGrid"
http://www.jeasyui.com/tutorial/datagrid/datagrid19.phpIt looks fine in FF,Opera,IE but after I add tag FORM into toolbar layout like in example below I see that toolbar does not look in IE as good as in FF
Date From: <input class="easyui-datebox" style="width:80px">
To: <input class="easyui-datebox" style="width:80px">
Language: <input class="easyui-combobox" style="width:100px"
valueField="id" textField="text">
<a href="#" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-search">Search</a>
In the picture below you can see view how tollbar looks in IE(top one) and FF(bottom one)